Dietary Tips To Manage Asthma

Dietary Tips To Manage Asthma

It probably comes as no surprise that keeping a healthy mind and body starts with a balanced diet. Making positive dietary choices can improve your overall energy level, strengthen your immune system, and even promote healthy lung function.

About DIY Teeth Whitening

About DIY Teeth Whitening

Teeth yellowing usually occurs due to staining or enamel thinning. The latter is the layer that’s naturally almost white. It protects your teeth’s structure. The layer beneath it, called the dentin, is what darkens your teeth. Anything from acidic foods to gum disease can wear it down.

Macular Degeneration: Symptoms, Causes, and Risk Factors

Macular Degeneration: Symptoms, Causes, and Risk Factors

Macular degeneration is an eye disorder that affects over 10 million people in America. It only affects the central vision of a person. This is the visual field that you see through when you are looking in front of you. This eye disorder has no effect on the peripheral vision, which is the vision you have to the side when you are looking in front of you. Because it does not have a negative effect on your peripheral vision, it does not cause complete blindness.

6 Signs Of Bladder Cancer

6 Signs Of Bladder Cancer

Bladder cancer is cancer that infects the cells and tissues of the bladder and can spread throughout your body. It is a devastating disease and one of the few cancers in which survival rates continue to drop. But don't worry, this article has compiled a list of some heartening signs that could indicate you may be fighting bladder cancer.

Don't Miss These Signs Of Prostate Cancer

Don't Miss These Signs Of Prostate Cancer

The prostate is a vital part of the reproductive system of human males. Prostate cancer is the leading cause of cancer in American men, outside of skin cancer. The prostate is a small part of the male body around the size of a walnut. The aging process can be the starting point for prostate cancer, with the gland growing as men age.

Living with IBS

Living with IBS

As anyone who suffers from irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, knows, it isn't easy. Your body can turn on a dime. One moment, you may be perfectly comfortable. The next, you're in a lot of pain and stuck on the toilet. Living with IBS is possible. It just requires a few tips on how to manage it. Here's how you can cope with irritable bowel syndrome.

8 Signs of Pre-Diabetes - Prevent Type 2 Diabetes

8 Signs of Pre-Diabetes - Prevent Type 2 Diabetes

Diabetes is one of the leading causes of death. However, many diabetes deaths can be avoided if people get the proper treatment. The key to getting the proper treatment is to get diagnosed early. If you notice any of the following symptoms, then you should be screened for diabetes.

Overview and Causes of Dyskinesia

Overview and Causes of Dyskinesia

Dyskinesia is a general medical term for progressive nerve cell illnesses that precipitate uncontrolled bodily movements. These disorders can have different causes. Therefore, understanding what these factors are, often proves paramount in obtaining the proper diagnosis and treatment.